Sunday, April 4, 2010


Today's address at church was on gratitude. It was also gratitude last fortnight. (yes, I do go to a church which has fortnightly meetings.) So in the theme of the month, what am I grateful for?

  • I have a job. It may not be my ideal school, but I am teaching German which is great. I am also working so am earning. It also makes my head stay occupied so I don't get sucked into funkland.
  • My close friend is having a baby and I am in this country to get all excited and live through them for a while.
  • My dad has a spare room which he doesn't mind me staying in every weekend.
  • I work part time. I get Tuesdays off, which is great 'cause by the time I spend two hours both ways driving on the weekend and then doing stuff it means I can have a break and wash my clothes.
  • gmail is not blocked at work. I can keep in contact and get my internet fix there since I don't have it at home.
  • I am alive. My body may not be my ideal (it might actually be a horrid bane in my life) but it works. I can sit on the ground comfortably, I fit behind the wheel of a car, and if I want to, I can order my clothes from the UK and feel good in them. I could also buy clothes in Australia, but the clothes off the rack here are 'older' than those available in the UK.

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