Sunday, October 24, 2010


I've written 1/4 of my assignment more than a week before it's due. I am an assignment God!

Well, not really.

I feel like a hypocrite standing in front of my classes telling them to plan, plan, plan and get their assignment done before the due date. It's something I've NEVER done before. I don't know that it will be done this time either - I just got into a 'writing vogue' and didn't let myself get out of it.

I also got into a searching for references to fit what I've already written vogue. Right. Yep. Write it and then find references. Not really what the masters lecturers want, I so don't think. But it makes me smile.

Google scholar is the BEST invention in the history of the world. Yes, even above fire, the wheel and the engine.

Researching from your armchair? Can't get better than that!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you! I keep forgetting to use Google Scholar, thanks for the reminder!
