Friday, November 12, 2010


I like to drive. I like pumping the music up LOUD and singing along (most often it's a broadway musical, hell yeah, I'm totally cool!) I like knowing that I have independance and I can do what I want. The freedom that driving has given me is great.

It has even given me a year's full of memories from when I was 19. I have no idea how we didn't die, and my children aren't driving 'til they're 21 because of it. (OK, that's an exaggeration, but I will never allow them to borrow my car with their friends at 9pm and return the car 400 kms later at 7am the next morning.

One night we drove to Surfer's to Dalby to Caloundra.

Great memories, scary memories.

Tonight I drove from my house to my Dad's where I'm staying for the weekend. I'm going to meet my nephew tomorrow and I can't wait! Last time I drove down, it took 4 hours and 5 minutes. This time it took 3 hours and 58 mins.

Braindead and suffering from white line fever. But happy and nourished.

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